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an adult couple putting together a budget for their allergy medication


The Price You Pay for Untreated Conditions

We’re often asked how much patients should expect to pay when they come in for a BreatheAmerica consultation. Because of the innovative, completely customized method of care we provide, the price of a consultation is sometimes higher than the patient expected.

What our patients learn, though, is how much money they actually save by spending money up front, rather than leaving their condition untreated and allowing medical and medication bills to rack up.

Here’s how it works:

Personalized Treatment Plans

When you come into our clinic, one of our care providers sits down with you and administers a comprehensive test.

You may be coming in to treat the wheezing symptoms you’re showing. A primary care doctor may have diagnosed you with asthma—or maybe you’ve even been self-diagnosed—but your asthma medication hasn’t been working for you.

With our comprehensive diagnostic tests, we look at your entire airway to determine exactly what’s causing your symptoms.

And guess what? We find that you’re actually allergic to a certain pollutant, and that’s what’s causing you to wheeze—not asthma.

After successfully diagnosing you, we send you on with a treatment plan unique to you and your condition. This treatment plan gives you direction on how to work yourself towards an eventual cure!

The best part?

It works.

Your symptoms eventually fade, and you no longer have the terrible sinus headaches that you’d come to expect or the allergies that kept you from ever getting a pet.

Our method is so strong—so life-changing—that even one of our Vice Presidents began his relationship with BreatheAmerica as a patient whose life was changed.

Leaving Condition Untreated

Sure, there are over-the-counter (OTC) medications that are relatively inexpensive and that can keep your symptoms at bay temporarily.

But that’s just it—the treatment is temporary. You’ll keep having to buy those medications for the rest of your life!

That kind of habit really adds up.

This collection of statistics cites that the average American household spends $338 per year on OTC products. Of course that’s a lower price point than our consultation fee, but with that $338 bill on repeat for just a few years (and most likely for the rest of your life), you’d surpass the price of a condition-ending BreatheAmerica consultation in just a few years.

What’s more is that these airway conditions are all connected.

If you’re leaving your allergy and sinus symptoms in their malicious cycle year after year, you’re putting your airway at risk of adopting other airway conditions as time goes on—only adding to your medical tabs.

So, don’t put off your airway care any longer!

Our team of experts is ready to create a completely customized treatment plan for YOU, so that you can put an end to your allergy, asthma, sinus, COPD—or any other airway condition—for good.

Schedule your consultation today!