Dr. Roland Z. Gerencer on KRQE News 13 Albuquerque


A cure for snoring?! Balloon Sinuplasty

Have we found the cure to snoring? For some, Balloon Sinuplasty offers relief but can it cure snoring? It doesn’t. It’s a common misconception. BreatheAmerica’s own Dr. Ronald Gerencer was invited to the KRQE News 13 Albuquerque studio to present a revolutionary procedure that may offer relief in addressing a number of sinus and airway concerns.

Balloon Sinuplasty allows Dr. Gerencer to alleviate the cause of the air restriction. Watch and see the way this procedure is performed and the equipment used in a short session, giving you the ability to go back to work the same day. If this can help you or someone you love, contact Dr. Gerencer and the team at BreatheAmerica Albuquerque today!